Author Guidelines
1.1 Abstract in Russian
Article title. The article title should reflect the subject and idea of the article, as well as the main goal (issue) set by the author to disclose the subject.
Author names. When writing the authors of the article, the surname should be indicated after the initials of the first name and patronymic (P.S. Ivanov, S.I. Petrov, I.P. Sidorov).
Affiliation. The official FULL name of the institution should be given (without abbreviations). After the name of the institution, it is necessary to write the city, country name after the comma. If authors from different institutions took part in writing the manuscript, it is necessary to correlate the names of institutions and authors by adding numeric indices in upper case before the names of institutions and after the full names of the corresponding authors.
The abstract of the article should be (if the work is original) structured: actuality, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusion. The abstract volume should be no more than 250 words.
Key words. It is necessary to specify key words - up to 6, contributing to the indexing of the article in search engines. The key words should be matched in pairs in Russian and English.
1.2 Abstract in English
Article title. The English-language title should be literate from the point of view of the English language, while in terms of meaning fully correspond to the Russian-language title.
Author names. Author names should be written in accordance with the foreign passport, or as in previously published articles in foreign journals. Authors publishing for the first time and not having a foreign passport should use the BSI transliteration standard (see below).
Affiliation. The OFFICIAL ENGLISH name of the institution should be given.
Abstract: The English version of the abstract should fully correspond to the Russian version in meaning and structure.
Key words. Key words should correspond in pairs in Russian and English.
1.3. Full text
The article's structure should include a statement of the problem and argumentation of its relevance; review of scientific literature on the investigated issue, its scientific analysis; author's conclusions. The article should not be abstract or represent a simple description of legislative regulation in this or that sphere. References should be written in the Harvard style directly in the text in square brackets: [Ivanov 2014: 250],
1.4. References
Only scientific sources (books, monographs, thesis, abstracts, articles, theses of reports), as well as archival sources are indicated in the list of references. Laws, other legal acts, judgments, periodicals, are not included in the list of references! The list of references may also include online publications (including blogs), if they meet the scientific source criteria. Textbooks and manuals are not scientific sources, so references to them are allowed only in exceptional cases.
All sources in References should be arranged in the style of the Harvard version of Imperial College London.
All sources in the list of references in Russian should be cited in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
1.5. Contact Information
The contact information of ALL AUTHORS should be consistently specified. This section should contain the following information about each author: full name; academic degree, academic rank, position, affiliation; postal address (with index and indication of the country), e-mail address, ORCID (more details here:
References to normative legal acts, historical documents and newspaper articles are made in the text of the paper in the form of page-by-page footnotes and are NOT INCLUDED in References.
References to scientific literature (monographs, scientific articles) are given in parentheses within the text of the article: firstly, a surname of an author or authors (no more than the first three on the list), (or, where appropriate, title of publication or last name of an editor) for Russian literature in Latin transliteration and then, after a comma, year of publication of the cited source of this author.
The general format is as follows:
(Last name, year of publication)
- (Fedorov, 1999) - if the whole work is meant.
When specifying pages:
(Last name, year of publication, colon, page number)
- (Fedorov, 1999:987) - if there is a link to only one page.
- (Ivanov, 1975:33-34) — if there is a link to several pages, an extensive fragment of the text.
When specifying a volume or part:
(Last name, year of publication, volume, colon, page number)
- (Fedorov, 2015, II:44)
It is allowed to include the author's name in the text itself, indicating in parentheses only the year of publication and the page (s):
- In this context, Ivanov (1975:40) drew attention to the fact that...
When quoting directly from a source, the quote in the text is enclosed in quotation marks and followed by a link to the original source:
"The points that make up the content of the law are, on the one hand, the individuality itself, and, on the other hand, its universal inorganic nature, i.e., the circumstances, situation, customs, mores, religion, etc., that have appeared, and from them it is necessary to understand a certain individuality. They contain the definite as well as the universal, and at the same time they are what is present, what appears to the observer and is expressed on the other side in the form of individuality" (Hegel, 2000:157).
If there is a link to several works by different authors, the sources are listed alphabetically, separated by semicolons:
- Many researchers have paid attention to this problem (Fedorov, 1975; Watson, 2008).
If there is a link to one work with several authors, the link should be presented as follows:
- If authors of the work are from 2 to 3: (Fedorov & Watson, 2008) or (Barros, Read & Verdejo, 2008).
- If authors of the work are 4 or more: (Arrami et al., 2007).
It is allowed to indicate a reference to a separate paragraph or section of the source, if a reference is not to a specific fragment of the text, but to some idea or approach developed by the author of the paper.
No abbreviations are allowed to replace a reference to the source, for example: Ibid, Op. сit.
The reference list should include only scientific literature (scientific articles, reports, monographs, etc.). For other sources (normative legal acts, materials of judicial practice, articles in newspapers, interviews, press releases, official records, official statistics, etc.), page-by-page footnotes are used.
For the legal acts and documents of judicial practice cited and mentioned in the article, the source of publication is not required. All necessary information is provided in the text (or in a footer) at the first mention of the document.
Russian regulatory legal acts and other official documents must contain the full official name, number, date of adoption, indicating in parentheses the date of the last revision or changes.
Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4015-1 of November 27, 1992 (as amended on July 26, 2017) "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" lists the objects of insurance.
If the document is not available in the reference legal systems, on the official Internet portal of legal information and its search may cause difficulties for the reader, it is recommended to provide a link in the footer to the page on the Internet where the text of the mentioned document is posted.
If the document is historical (refers to the Soviet era, the period of the Russian Empire, etc.), in the footer you can give the source of its publication or the address of the page on the Internet, if the Internet resource was used when working with the text of such a document.
When working with international and foreign legal acts, the following should be taken into account:
if the document has an official or unofficial, but generally accepted (recorded, in particular, in reference legal systems) translation into Russian, it is sufficient to indicate its full name and date of adoption (optionally, the place of adoption, other information necessary to identify the document).
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 44/25 of November 20, 1989) proclaims the right of children to rest and leisure (art. 31).
when referring to the original source and independently translating the title and text of the document, it is recommended to provide its official name in the original language (in parentheses in the text or in a footer). In this case, it is advisable to indicate in the footer the address of the page on the Internet where the original text of the foreign language document is posted.
The activities of parties in the Slovak Republic are regulated in detail by Law No. 85/2005 "On Political Parties and Political Movements" (Zákon č. 85/2005 Z.Z. o politických stranách a politických hnutiach).
For the materials of judicial practice, the name of the court that issued the decision, the date of its issuance, and the case number should be given.
In the decision of the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated September 17, 2015 No. 17AP-10739/15, the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic dated June 23, 2015 in case No. A71-4740/2015 was left unchanged.
When mentioning foreign-language materials of judicial practice in the text, it is usually sufficient to indicate the judicial authority that issued the decision, the date of its adoption, number, name (if any). It is recommended to duplicate the information identifying the document in the original language (in parentheses in the text or in a footer). It is advisable to include in the footer the address of the page on the Internet where the original text of the judicial act is posted.
In the dispute "USA – Measures regarding the import of certain goods from the EU" (United States – Import Measures on Certain Products from the European Communities. WT/DS165/R. July 17, 2000) the panel disagreed with the U.S. reasoning.