The Role of Judicial Power in Protecting Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms



human and civil rights, administration of justice, the Kyrgyz Republic, protection of human rights, human rights violations


Courts of the Kyrgyz Republic are considered as an effective legal mean for protecting and ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. The Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and legislation of the country guarantees the equality of all before the court, and the administration of justice should be realized through the principle of court independence. The author raises the question of whether the Kyrgyz Republic has an independent judiciary that is focused on protecting the dignity and interests of the individual. However, there are some doubts concerning this issue. The author analyzes the statistical data pointing that the number of complaints about actions or inaction of law enforcement and judicial authorities is steadily growing. It is highlighted that the solution of this issue is the following: it is necessary to stat that the main function of the judiciary should be the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Author Biography

Saliya Dz. Tailakova, Osh State Law Institute

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Osh State Law Institute, the Kyrgyz Republic




How to Cite

Тайлакова, С. Д. (2022). The Role of Judicial Power in Protecting Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms. EUROPEAN AND ASIAN LAW REVIEW, 4(2), 52–56. Retrieved from